Marble is a metamorphic rock, having been subject to tremendous heat and pressure to the point where various fossilized materials, along with the original limestone and sundry minerals, have become re-crystallized. This process changes the rock from limestone to what we would recognize as marble. This naturally decorative material is characterized by vein-like patterns which vary depending on which minerals, and which quantities of those minerals, were present during the re-crystallization of the original limestone parent rock. These patterns offer the unique appearance known to many, as well as the rich range of colors that are some of the most vibrant available in any natural stone. Click here to learn more
Marble presents beauty, luxury and glamor, as a company we know that too well. That is why we stock marble floor tiles, counter tops, vanity tops, sinks, mosaics, steps and pavers. These come in a variety of stunning colors such as exotic golden, sea blue or desert cream among others. They are crafted from pure marble and extracted from the finest mines around the world. Whether you are looking for a marble bathroom, kitchen, floors or fireplace, these treasured stones will definitely put on a show! Its our pleasure to provide all you need at affordable prices.

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